New patterns: Rainbow Party & Jellyfish

Rainbow Party patttern collection

How beautiful and playful are rainbows? That is why I used them to create a surface pattern collection especially for kids. And of course for everyone who feels young at heart. In the last summerschool of the Make It In Design School the brief Expressive Creative Freedom gave me a lot of fun creating watercolour marks in fun colours. Quite an intuitive process. Like any of my designs I did start with a moodboard with inspirational images. This gave me a colour direction and the feel I want to achieve.

Credits moodboard:
1 Deb Haugen • 2 Ampersand Design Studio • 3 Ashley Mary • 4 Black Lamb Studio • 5 Megan Monismith • 6 Kelly Ventura • 7 Siotes • 8 Lisa Congdon

Below you can see the main pattern, with two types of coördinate patterns and one placement design.



A second brief encouraged us to be creative in the way we find our colour palette. In clothing that we own. I choose a t shirt with a limited palette of pinks and yellows. Are you familiar with the Pantone Studio app? Substracting colour from a photo is now very easy! The soft colours fitted nicely with my idea of creating a kids pattern with jellyfishes, anemones and starfish.