Interview by Brooklyn Art Library: Anatomy of an Artwork
In 2020 I started with filling my sketchbook that will become part of the Brooklyn Art Library, a museum in New York with sketchbooks from all over the world. In this interview you can read about my inspirations and read about the materials I use to sketch.
Art competition AvroTros tv-serie ‘Krabbé zoekt Picasso’
Eye on Picasso (2017)
Doctoral Thesis Illustrations Hoopoes and Wrynecks
Rien E. van Wijk (2016) “From routes, non-breeding sites and timing to reproductive success – migration patterns in Hoopoes and Wrynecks” Zurich, Zwitserland

Make It In Design – Patternbombing Lookbook 1 (2016)
The Netherlands – p 15
Blog Make It In Design School
Showcase Module 2 (7 march 2016)
Make It In Design – Summerschool Lookbook I (2014)
Theme: Jewels – p 24 (cushion mock up)
Agora – Magazine voor Sociaal Ruimtelijke vraagstukken
Article “We missen de schapen”(2013) illustrations & photos – p 36-39
Master Thesis illustrations
A.M. Niemeijer (2012) “Experiencing Climate Dikes – An exploratory study of the experiences of dikes within climate adaptation designs in the river landscape”, Wageningen: Wageningen Universiteit.
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125th Anniversary Corgi Sock Competition
Runner up in the design competition with the design ‘Hats’, which refers to the fashion at 1892.
Read more on the Design Competition winners blog of Corgi, a company in luxury socks, Wales, UK.

Make It In Design – Winner Summerschool 2016
Read more about my winning design Lucky number 8 on the Make It In Design winners blog.